Self-study 4 + Tutorial 3

This week, I implemented navmesh into my prototype.

Navmeshing was always a scary endeavor to me, so up til now I've always avoided it, but now that I've done it its shockingly simple to get running. The auto-generation was all pretty much flawless, so I could get right into making some enemy creatures.

They are deer, because I like deer.

(Asset is from

That backdrop is a moving obstacle, which you can see in action in the next gif-

It carves a rectangular prism out of the navmesh, so the deer have to navigate around them.

I set the deer up to spawn on a mouse click, and tweaked the speed to a point where escaping them was difficult, but achievable.

With some stock code, I set up a basic health system and a spawner for the deer.

I also threw together some effects for when the player dies - a death message, a spray of confetti, and a sound effect (a party favour being blown). All of these effects are handled through the unity event system - 

Player Death Trigger
  1. public class PlayerDeathTrigger : MonoBehaviour
  2. {
  4.     public UnityEvent onPlayerDeath;
  6.     public PlayerHealth player;
  8.     // Start is called before the first frame update
  9.     void Start()
  10.     {
  11.         player.deathActions += onPlayerDeath.Invoke;
  12.     }

Player Health
  1. public class PlayerHealth : MonoBehaviour
  2. {
  3.     ...
  4.     public Action deathActions;
  6.     int health = 0;
  7.     ...
  8.     public void DecreaseHealth(int amount)
  9.     {
  10.         health -= amount;
  11.         SetHealthValueOnUI();
  12.         if (health <= 0)
  13.         {
  14.             deathActions.Invoke();
  15.         }
  16.     }
  17. }

With these simple scripts, the player's health script receives a list of events to trigger on player death which can all be defined in-engine, through the UI. Simple and extensible- Unity Events save the day once again.

Another fun change- the spotlights now follow the player around, giving some visual interest to the environment. Better yet, the models for the lighting rig move in a (mostly) sensible way to follow the behaviour of the actual lights.

In one last change, the game now has a few health packs hanging around the place, so the player can pick up an extra health point if necessary.

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